Webinar 20 Ottobre 2020; @ 10:15 GMT+1; durata 60 minuti

Allow everyone to extract knowledge and value from their data


Allow everyone to extract knowledge and value from their data

Allow everyone to extract knowledge and value from their data
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Discover how TIMi is revolutionizing the daily work of data scientists. In half an hour and based on real data, we accomplish what any other technology would do in weeks. Using raw data from a large supermarket chain with more than 1 million consumers, we build a 360° customer view, predictive cross-sell models, and the associated dashboard. To do this, we use a simple laptop and mouse.

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20 Ottobre 2020

10:15 GMT+1

durata 60 minuti

Informazioni su speaker

Artificial Intelligence

Frank Vanden Berghen


Frank Vanden Berghen owns a PhD in Applied-Mathematics in the field of Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. Since more than 20 years, Frank is creating predictive models, first as a researcher, after as a consultant. As a consultant, Frank used practically all tools available on the market and felt frustrated because of the limitations of these tools. The question was: How is it possible that the best tools available at that time to do advanced analytics where tools developed by hobbyist during their free time in their garage? So, in 2007, Frank decided to create the most advanced tool for predictive analytics on the planet. TIMi was born. Since now more than 10 years, Frank and his team are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible to do with a computer, to boldly go where not dataminer has gone before. Using his tool, Frank is a recurrent top winner at Kaggle and KDD cups.






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